Before you get started: Log into (or create) your JBF Profile and sign up for our upcoming JBF Bloomington/Burnsville Spring Sale Event.

Your Consignor Number helps us track your items as they sell. Your Consignor Number is located in your JBF Profile and will be printed on all of your JBF tags. 


Please be sure to enter your Consignor Number accurately below.

DIY Drop Off

You will bring your tagged items to the sale during scheduled drop off and place them on the floor! Don't worry! We are here to help! Please allow 60-90 minutes to place your items on the floor (sellers with more than 300 items - allow for more time) The more you organize your items, the quicker drop off will be. Mall Doors and Drop zones will close at 7pm & All sellers must be out of Burnsville Center by 7:00pm.

Express Drop Off

You have tagged your items but you want us to put the items on the floor for you! Great! Unload your sorted items into an Express Drop Zone and You're Done! Allow about 20 minutes for drop off. You are asked to sort your items as our guides state: clothing by gender, size, category, like items together, etc. in totes or boxes you do NOT wish to get back. JBF Bloomington/Burnsville is not responsible for containers left at the venue. Items not sorted in Express Drop Zones are subject to a $30 fee deducted from your consignor check.

Total: $0.00

I am participating in the Just Between Friends Consignment Sale Event as a Consignor. I am the owner of and have carefully inspected the items that I am consigning.

I understand and agree that Just Between Friends (JBF) Bloomington/Burnsville and Just Between Friends Franchise Systems, Inc. are not responsible for fire, loss, theft or damage to the items I am consigning.

I understand that JBF Bloomington/Burnsville is only a broker or agent for the Consignor. JBF Bloomington/Burnsville has no obligation to pay for unsold items. Title possession remains with the Consignor.

Pre-paid Seller Fees and Express Drop Off Fees are non-refundable and non-transferrable. I understand that I will earn 60% of the gross sales actually received by JBF Bloomington/Burnsville for the items I offer for sale.

I understand JBF Bloomington/Burnsville will sell the items I am consigning for the price listed on the barcode tags I have created. I understand that the price sold will be controlled by the printed tag attached to the item & not any subsequent changes online.

I understand if my item is marked full price, it will only be sold at full price; if my item is marked to reduce, it will be discounted during Half Price Presale and on Discount Day; if my item is marked for donation, it will be discounted to 75% off during "Power Hour" or, the last hour of Discount Day.

I understand that the email address listed in my JBF Profile will be used to issue my consignor payment and payment will be sent within 15 days of the last day of the sale.

I verify that no item I am consigning is the subject of any current, pending or threatened recall notice according to the Consumer Products Safety Commission. I have inspected each item for safety, including checking all pockets for choking hazards or for items that may pose a risk to children.

Each item is clean, in good operating condition & is not defective, broken or damaged in any way. If any item is purchased and returned because it is defective, is missing parts or does not work, I will not be paid any amount for the sale of that item.

I understand that unsold items that are NOT marked DONATE will be sorted to my consignor number if time allows, OR, to the first letter of my consignor number. I will be responsible for picking up all of my items from each area. Any items not picked up within the timeframe allotted, will be donated to the Charity Partner.

I understand that by appearing in a public venue as a shopper or consignor, JBF has my permission to use my image in any JBF publicity avenue they choose. I may verbally request to not be photographed at the Sale.

Just Between Friends Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy.

Seller Updates

  • Search Facebook Groups for "JBF Bloomington/Burnsville Consignors"

  • Thank you for letting us know! Keep an eye on your email as we will communicate changes or updates as needed.

Presale Passes

Each seller who drops off their items to sell, will be eligible for EARLY SHOPPING during Seller Presale for yourself + 2 guests.

Presale:  Tuesday, April 15 at 3pm
50% Off Presale: Friday, April 18 at 4pm

You will use the same ticket for both presale entries. You can enter with your guest or send your guest a screen shot of the QR code for the ticket (which will be in your email confirmation).

Pick Up - Monday, April 21, 3:00-6:00pm

  • Any items not picked up by 6:01pm will be donated to The C.H.A.P. Store.

  • Your unsold items (not marked donate) will be sorted for pick up. Any items not picked up by 6:01pm and any items marked for donation will be donated to The C.H.A.P. Store.

  • You do not have to come to pick up! Thank you for donating your unsold items to The C.H.A.P. Store.

Team Members

One of the BEST parts about JBF Bloomington/Burnsville is the team that makes it happen, sale after sale! We could not pull off this amazing event, without our team! We are always looking for smiling faces that LOVE JBF to help! If you would like more info on joining our team, please let us know. 

Team member pay starts at $10.85 and can include set up, sale help, greeting, and cashiering. Our team members shop first and receive a limited edition sale shirt! Check this box to get more info! We will email you when applications open!

Saturday, April 19 5pm-10pm - $50 added to your consignor check
Must work full shift and may include tear down help if sort is completed early.
By checking this box, you are committing to this shift. Please contact us if you are unable to fulfill this commitment.

Monday, April 21 10am-3pm - $50 added to your consignor check
Must work full shift and may include tear down help if sort is completed early.
By checking this box, you are committing to this shift. Please contact us if you are unable to fulfill this commitment.

Consignor Fee


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
TicketSpice Event Ticketing Software